Welcome to Wright’s documentation!

This small library contains implementation in C, Fortran and MATLAB for computing the Wright function of the second kind, often called Mainardi’s function, on the real line.

How to obtain

The latest version of this code can be obtained from GitHub

git clone git@github.com:Cirdans-Home/mwright.git

How to compile

The code can be compiled using the CMake toolchain in the usual way.

mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..

To build the c routines you’ll need a working version of the ARB library, this is a a C library for arbitrary-precision floating-point ball arithmetic. It is used here to implement the evaluation of the Wright function through its series expansion. We use it to measure the error with respect to the algorithm based on the inversion of the Laplace transform.


If you want to build this documentation you’ll need also a working version of Sphinx, together with the extensions 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx_c_autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinxfortran.fortran_domain', 'sphinxfortran.fortran_autodoc', and sphinxcontrib.matlab. This step can be omitted from the ccmake settings.

How to cite

Please, if you use this code for a scientific publication cite the work:

    1. Aceto and F. Durastante. “Efficient computation of the Wright function and its applications to fractional diffusion-wave equations”. 2022. arXiv: 2202.00397

Indices and tables