Reading, writing and plotting data

One of the transverse usages of MATLAB is as a tool for analyzing and plotting data coming from the most various sources. This material covers the commands and the ideas we may need to perform these tasks.

As you should remember from the introduction to the language, in MATLAB the most natural way of representing data is with matrices, scalars are \(1\times 1\) matrices. But how can you populate these matrices with the data coming from your experiments? Are always matrices the right format?

We will start with an example, from here you can download a csv file containing information on the quantity of pm2 particles from pollution stations in the city of London in 2019.


CSV stands for comma-separated values. These are delimited text files which use a comma to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas.

In most of them the separator is indeed a comma, and this justifies the source of the name for the format. Nevertheless, this is not always the case, and other delimiters can be found. In well formatted files each line will have the same number of fields.

Let us work with the data we have just downloaded. First of all, we create a new MATLAB script called londonpollution.m, and we put the downloaded data in the same folder of the script

%% London Pollution Data
% Analysis of the Pollution data from London.

clear; clc; close all;

If you look at the first lines of the CSV file you have downloaded, you will see that in the same file appear different types of data, strings, numbers, datetime, and so on. This means that we cannot store all these information in a matrix. Matrices only take data of homogeneous type. The right type of variable to use is a table.

We use the command readtable to load all this information into MATLAB

london = readtable('london_combined_2019_all.csv');

After these are in memory, you can get some information on the variable by writing in the command line:

whos london

and getting the answer

Name            Size               Bytes  Class    Attributes
london      24676x9             16527487  table   

that tells us that we have loaded a table with 24676 rows, divided in 9 columns. Again from the command window we can look at what are the first rows by doing:


that prints out

>> head(london)

ans =

  8×9 table

      city      latitude    longitude    country            utc                       location               parameter     unit      value
    ________    ________    _________    _______    ___________________    ______________________________    _________    _______    _____

    'London'     51.453     0.070766      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London Eltham'                    'pm25'      'ug/m3'      7  
    'London'     51.489     -0.44161      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London Harlington'                'pm25'      'ug/m3'      8  
    'London'     51.523     -0.15461      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London Marylebone Road'           'pm25'      'ug/m3'     17  
    'London'     51.521     -0.21349      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London N. Kensington'             'pm25'      'ug/m3'      8  
    'London'     51.425     -0.34561      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London Teddington Bushy Park'     'pm25'      'ug/m3'      8  
    'London'     51.495     -0.13193      'GB'      2019-02-18 23:00:00    'London Westminster'               'pm25'      'ug/m3'     11  
    'London'     51.544     -0.17527      'GB'      2019-02-19 00:00:00    'Camden Kerbside'                  'pm25'      'ug/m3'      9  
    'London'     51.453     0.070766      'GB'      2019-02-19 00:00:00    'London Eltham'                    'pm25'      'ug/m3'      7  

Let us now try to add some commands to our script to produce plots showing us information on the data.

We focus on the first of the locations London Eltham, and we want to plot the quantity of pm25 we have measured in the whole period. For doing this we need to perform a slicing of the data. We need to find the rows that correspond to this location, we can do this by using the command

index = strcmp(london.location,'London Eltham');

at the end of this call the variable index will be a vector having a 1 in position i if london.location(i) is 'London Eltham', and a 0 otherwise. With this knowledge we can now produce a plot of these values by adding to the script

ylabel('pm25 ug/m3');


Quantity of pm25 in London Eltham

Now let us repeat the same task for all the different location. We want to produce now a single plot with different subplots in which each of them has one of the Locations. Since we do not want to rewrite many times the same piece of code, we will make use of a for cycle

location = unique(london.location);

for i=1:length(location)
    index = strcmp(london.location,location{i});
    ylabel('pm25 ug/m3');

The first line location = unique(london.location); produces, as you may guess, the unique list of locations of our table. If we ask it on the command window, we discover that these are

>> location

location =

  10×1 cell array

    {'Camden Kerbside'             }
    {'London Bexley'               }
    {'London Bloomsbury'           }
    {'London Eltham'               }
    {'London Harlington'           }
    {'London Marylebone Road'      }
    {'London N. Kensington'        }
    {'London Teddington Bushy Park'}
    {'London Westminster'          }
    {'Southend-on-Sea'             }

Then we loop the code for all the unique locations and repeat the same procedure as before, with some small difference. When we look for the index vector we now do the comparison with each and every location by looping through the location cell array with the i index, i.e., index = strcmp(london.location,location{i});. Then the remaining part is pretty much the same, a part from the command subplot that tell us the number of panels in which we want to subdivide figure(2), in this case 5 rows and 2 columns, and in which of them we are going to plot, the \(i\)th panel at cycle i. If we run all this code, we get:

Quantity of pm25 in London

A variant of this idea could be the one of having all the plots overlapped on the same figure to do a fast comparison

Markers = {'+','o','*','x','v','d','^','s','>','<'};
for i=1:length(location)
    index = strcmp(london.location,location{i});
    hold on
    hold off
ylabel('pm25 ug/m3');

from which we obtain

Quantity of pm25 in London

We have introduced here several new keywords,

  • hold on retains plots in the current axes so that new plots added to the axes do not delete existing plots.

  • hold off sets the hold state to off so that new plots added to the axes clear existing plots and reset all axes properties.

  • legend creates a legend with descriptive labels for each plotted data series. For the labels, the legend uses the text from the DisplayName properties of the data series.

This visual comparison we have constructed is, however, rather inconclusive. Let us try producing a box plot for the different locations. This can be done with:

ylabel('pm25 ug/m3');

that produces

Quantity of pm25 in London

The commands we have used here are

  • boxplot(x,g) creates a box plot using one or more grouping variables contained in g. boxplot produces a separate box for each set of x values that share the same g value or values.

  • xtickangle rotates the x-axis tick labels for the current axes to the specified angle in degrees, where 0 is horizontal. Specify a positive value for counterclockwise rotation or a negative value for clockwise rotation.

From this figure we discover that living in Marylebone Road is worse on average for the quantity of pm25.


The following part depends on having the Mapping Toolbox installed.

To conclude this part, let us put some of these information on a geographical map. First we need to collect the latitudes and longitudes of the different locations, then we decide that the size of the marker on the map will be given by the mean of the values of pm25 in that location:

latitude = zeros(10,1);
longitude = zeros(10,1);
average = zeros(10,1);
for i=1:10
    index = strcmp(london.location,location{i});
    latitude(i) = unique(london.latitude(index));
    longitude(i) = unique(london.longitude(index));
    average(i) = mean(london.value(index));
tab = table(latitude,longitude,average);
gb = geobubble(tab,'latitude','longitude', ...
gb.SizeLegendTitle = 'Average pm25';
geobasemap colorterrain

from which we get

Quantity of pm25 in London

A better view using a map including the streets can be obtained by doing

gb = geobubble(tab,'latitude','longitude', ...
gb.SizeLegendTitle = 'Average pm25';
name = 'openstreetmap';
url = '';
copyright = char(uint8(169));
attribution = copyright + "OpenStreetMap contributors";
geobasemap openstreetmap
gb.MapLayout = 'maximized';

from which we obtain

Quantity of pm25 in London

Exercise 3

Let’s explore MATLAB’s * plot * functions again. We try to produce a print of the whole Mandelbrot fractal. This set is the set is the set of complex numbers \( c \) for which the function \( f_{c}(z) = z^{2} + c\) does not diverge when iterated starting from \( z = 0 \), that is, the set of those points \( c \) so the sequence \( f_{c} (0), f_{c} (f_{c} (0)), \ldots \) remains limited in absolute value. We can build a MATLAB script that allows us to draw an approximation of this set.

  1. We use the linspace function to construct the set of numbers \( c \) complexes on which we want to evaluate. Since linspace produces one real vector for us, we need to construct two of them – one for each direction – and transform them into a set of evaluation pairs with the meshgrid function. A good real set to evaluate to draw the Mandelbrot set is \( [- 2.1,0.6] \times [-1.1,1.1] \).

  2. Now that we have the real evaluations, we need to transform \( c \) into complex numbers. We can do this by using the complex function:C = complex (X, Y) on the pair of evaluation matrices obtained from meshgrid.

  3. We can now implement a fixed number of iterations of the function \( f_{c} (z) = z^{2} + c \) using a for loop.

  4. We conclude the exercise by drawing the Mandelbrot set with the function

title('Mandelbrot set')

which is a good chance to see what the plot function does contourf (help contourf).


There are many others plotting functions, but we will focus on them in the following topics, while we solve problems for which they will be useful.

Writing data to screen and to file

MATLAB provides a fairly transparent porting of C’s screen printing functions (on data streams). That is, the fprintf function. For screen printing the prototype of this function is

fprintf(FORMAT, A, ...)

where FORMAT is a string that contains information about the format to be printed and A is an array that contains the data to be printed according to the FORMAT format. In general this is a string that can contain text accompanied by escape characters that tell you how to format the data contained in the A variable. Caratteri di escape per il formato

As described in the image, the escape for a formatting operator begins with the percent sign, %, and ends with a conversion character (Table 6). The conversion character is required. Optionally, you can specify an identifier, flags, field width, precision, and a subtype operator between the % and the conversion.

Table 6 Conversion characters



%d o %i

Intero base 10


Floating point fixed precision


Floating point scientific notation


Single character



An example:

fprintf("%f \n",pi);
fprintf("%e \n",5*10^20);
fprintf("%1.2f \n",pi);
fprintf("%1.2e \n",5*10^20);
fprintf("%c \n",'a')
fprintf("%s \n",'Ciao, mondo!')

In the example we have repeatedly used the \n characters which symbolize a newline character. Other useful characters of this type are in Table 7.

Table 7 Formatting characters



Single quotation mark


Percent symbol






Tab horizontal


Tab vertical


More information can be obtained by writing help fprintf in the command line.